Independence day – 4th of July is a day for Five Fs – Fun, Food, Family , Friends and Fireworks – and a time for celebration and enjoyment for everyone. There is so much to see all around and so many new experiences which your little wonder might get a chance to explore and learn from. Avaz message (1) To help your child express himself on this occasion and to enable you to prepare him for what’s coming up, we have created a special vocabulary set for Avaz users, for 4th of July. Whether it is expressing amazement at the sight of the American Flag, or happiness on watching the fireworks, or just conveying that he is tired and wants to go home – there are numerous thoughts that flash across his mind, waiting to be expressed. But not getting the right words cause disappointment to the child and might decrease his intent to communicate. The child’s joy at his ability to express exactly what he wants to say with the least effort, is what drives our team forward to create these little sets of vocabulary for you. So, with Avaz version 2.1 we offer you the opportunity to download and add these tailor-made vocabulary sets to your Avaz content, which enable your child to express himself more accurately, for every special occasion. Here are some of the sample sentences that can be formed using the 4th-July-vocabulary set: Independence Day with Avaz Here is the list of all the words in the vocabulary set for Independence day :
I, we, they, it, band, family(my, dad, mom, brother,sister), don’t, like, want, have, is, was, celebrate, see, sing, play, eat, go, went, carry, food(barbecue, burger, hot dog, American flag cake,watermelon,steak), and, to, with, and, on, awesome, fun, picnic, parade, swimming pool, park, fireworks, balloons, American flag, Star spangled banner, TV, Independence day, 4, holiday, July, yesterday, today, tomorrow, my ears hurt, I am tired, I want to go home.
You can download the vocabulary set and read our previous blogpost for instructions to append this vocabulary set to your Avaz app.   Practical tips  On this day of celebration, we would request you to be mindful of the child’s physical and emotional state, as the day can get tiring and exhausting. Here are some tips for the occasion that could set the mood in advance:
  • Plan ahead with your child.
  • Ask him for his favorite places to visit or things to do.
  • Prepare the child for what’s coming up to set his expectations.
  • Make sure you have your child’s favorite food available – and don’t miss out on hot dogs, burgers and steak !
  • Schedule your child’s day with relevant breaks in between to ensure that he is not overwhelmed.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of anxiety or distress, including an increase in behaviors such as humming or rocking – they may indicate it’s time for a break.
For more tips, click here. Once again, be careful and cautious with fireworks around, but don’t miss out on the chance to relax and have a great time with your family. Team Avaz wishes you a fun-filled and safe Independence Day and a great week ahead!

July 1st, 2013

Posted In: Blog